J.B. Alexander High School Drumline
Member Profiles

A little info on drumline members


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Johnny Mendoza

My name is Johnny Mendoza and I am a junior. I play snare for the AHS Drumline. I am a section leader and squad leader. I am really looking forward to a great year! The drumline has come so far and can only get better. May our sticks be swift and our drums be loud and heard!

Lisa Gallego

My name is Lisa Gallego. I am section leader of the
AHS drumline. I am a senior and I play snare.
Although I've only been playing percussion for four
years, it's truly become a part of who I am. I spent freshman and sophomore years in the pit and played 1st bass my junior year. I love percussion, but marimba in particular. It's been an honor to have led our drumline beside Johnny as section leaders through all our accomplishments. I am very proud to be a part of the Bulldog Drumline.

Tony Faz

The name is Tony Faz and I'm a sophomore that moved here from Corpus Christi. This is my first year playing tenors and I look forward to playing for the AHS Drumline. My role model is Barney the Purple Dinosaur. If I were to be a vegetable, I would be a carrot. I have an extreme fear of clowns and I once had a pet squirrel named Chester.
Best Joke: Two guys walk into a bar...one tells the other,"you didn't see it either?"
Personal Quote: In the end, revenge sends end to the defendant.

Melissa Nieto

My name is Melissa Nieto, and I am a sophomore. I am a member of the front ensemble. I play mallet instruments, but especially the marimba. I am looking forward to a great year!

Tiffany Cortez

My name is Tiffany Lynn Cortez and I am a Sophomore. I play percussion during Marching Season and Bassoon during Concert Season. This is my first year in the drumline.

Michael Atwell

My name is Michael Atwell. I'm 17 years old and I'm a senior. This is my first year marching snare drum after playing timpani in the pit for three years. I was section leader in the pit, both my sophomore and junior year. My hobbies include hanging out with my friends, rollerblading, playing my guitar, and listening to music. My favorite bands are Metallica and Megadeth. My favorite movie is The Crow and my favorite TV show is WWF-Raw is War. My favorite book is Guitar One Magazine and my favorite food would have to be Italian food. This is my 7th and final year in band, but I have to say I have learned a lot. I am looking forward to a great year, especially during the marching season. Favortie Quote: "Who overcome by force hath overcome but half his foe." -John Milton

Mayra Camacho

My name is Mayra Camacho. I am 14 years old and I enjoy being a member of the band. In my spare time, I love to read and watch television. Also, I like to listen to all kinds of music. I live with both of my parents and a younger brother. In the future, I would like to be a guidance counselor and help other students succeed.

Domingo Medina

My name is Domingo Medina and I am a freshman. I play bass in the drumline. I'm really looking foward to a great year!

Andrea Guevara

Hey, my name is Andrea Guevara. I play 3rd bass and this is my first year in band. I am a junior in the Magent for Health and Science. I love to play drums; I have a Pearl Forum set at home. My favorite things are music, pets (fish particularly), and sleep.

David Garza

My name is David Lee Garza. I enjoy playing the drumset. I have been playing the drums since I was a year old. My parents would tell me that when they would take away my drumsticks I would cry until they gave them back! Well anyways, I like rap, R&B, salsa, and merengue. Basically, I like all types of music. I enjoy writing, making, playing, and producing music. In 10 years, I see myself in a recording studio producing music for bands.

Celina Vallarta

My name is Celina L. Vallarta, and I'm a freshman. I play Bassoon; but during Marching Season, I play the cymbals. At the moment, I'm 15 years old. I have an older brother, Mike, who is attending Notre Dame University. I am in the Interact Club, as well as other clubs. I love ska, punk, and alternative music. Right now, I enjoy Less Than Jake, Ataris, and New Found Glory, among other unheard bands. I also like Sarah Brightman, a classical singer I was recently introduced to. This is extremely rare, because this is the only singer that I like that isn't related to ska or punk. One of my other several hobbies is to write stories and to draw. Whenever I draw, it's usually Japanese Animation; right now I'm learning other types and techniques of drawing.

Steven Martinez

Most people would start a profile with a greeting like, "Hey. Wazz up? Que onda? My name is.." and the list goes on and on. No no, not this time my friend; I chose to seek a different approach of greeting; plus, I am really bored and this is all that popped into my head at the moment. My life.. Hmm.. Not much to say, seeing as I am only 17 years of age. I could start by saying my name is Steven Mtz and I am playing tenors for my third year in the AHS drumline. For all you ladies out there that are interested, I hate to burst your bubble, but I am taken by the most beautiful girl in the world: My girlfriend. I would like to conclude with a joke: "So there's these two lemons.."

More Profiles to Come...

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